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Comics & Graphic Novels

If you love comics and graphic novels, then you've come to the right place. Here you'll find so much to discover - popular comic book artists and graphic novelists. Delve into new worlds and fantasy realms, or get stuck into a gritty action novel. Try a classic range like Marvel or DC, or enter the stunning world of Manga books. Whatever you choose, we have got you covered.

Top Franchise Graphic Novels

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Star Wars

Star Wars

The Sandman

The Sandman



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Browse Two of the Biggest Comic & Graphic Novel Series

Browse the Marvel Universe

Discover the massive Marvel Comic & Graphic Novel Universe. We have all of them here, from Doctor Strange to Iron Man, Thor and many more characters.

Explore the world of DC

DC are masters of the Comic book era, with top favourites such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman they have been a top choice for generations.

Popular Cartoonists & Graphic Novelists

Alan Moore
Books include: V for Vendetta, From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
  Scott McCloud
Books include: The Sculptor, Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art and Making Comics.
  Alison Bechdel
Books include: Fun Home, Are You My Mother? and The Essential Dykes to Watch out For.
  Robert Kirkman & Charlie Adlard
Books include: The Walking Dead series, the Invincible series and the Super Dinosaur series.
Art Spiegelman
Author of the seminal Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus, its retrospective MetaMAUS, and Co-Mix.
Craig Thompson
Books include: Blankets, Space Dumplins, and Habibi.
Joe Sacco
Books include: Palestine, Footnotes in Gaza and Safe Area Gorazde: The War in Eastern Bosnia.
Neil Gaiman
Books include: the Sandman series, The Graveyard Book series and Eternals.
Marjane Satrapi
Books include: Persepolis: Story of an Iranian Childhood, Embroideries and Chicken with Plums.
Adrian Tomine
Books include: Killing and Dying, New York Drawings and Summer Blonde.
The Hernandez Brothers
Books include: the Love and Rockets series, Bumperhead and The Love Bunglers.
Daniel Clowes
Books include: Ghost World, Ice Haven, David Boring and The Death Ray.
Frank Miller
Books include: 300, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and The Art of Sin City.
Posy Simmonds
Books include: Tamara Drewe, Gemma Bovery and Mrs. Weber's Omnibus.
Bryan & Mary Talbot
Books include: Alice in Sunderland, Sally Heathcote: Suffragette and Dotter of her Father's Eyes.
Creator of the Palookaville comics, collected in the volume numbers 20, 21 and 22.

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