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The New Astrology Taurus Chinese and Western Zodiac Signs : The New Astrology by Sun Signs, Paperback / softback Book

The New Astrology Taurus Chinese and Western Zodiac Signs : The New Astrology by Sun Signs Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback


Find out how Taurus Blends with all 12 Chinese animal signs.

It's astounding! A TAURUS born in a DRAGON year does not have the same basic character as a TAURUS/DOG or TAURUS/ROOSTER.

It's uncanny. But it's true. TAURUS - Taureans never slap or sting. Rather, they creep up slowly and affect you deeply. Taureans who touch your heart will leave their indelible impression on your soul.

Think of Taurus as a long sensual kiss. A huge tender bear hug. Or an eiderdown on a cold alpine night. Taureans are warm (but sometimes stodgy) customers.Taurus people make excellent executives.

They love money and enjoy earning piles of it. When a Taurus person gets rich, he hangs on to his money, investing it in sound stocks and bonds, building solid houses, and even storing gold sovereigns in a mattress.

The key word here is substantial. Taureans do not have confidence in lightheadedness. Frivolity doesn't come naturally to them. Many Taureans work with their hands. Even if a Taurus seems more cerebral than manual, there is probably a hidden craft or hobby lurking behind the scenes.

Taureans are attracted to all sorts of beauty. Music thrills them. Flowers enchant them. The countryside seduces them. Art is their natural habitat.In this book, you will discover how a TAURUS is altered when he or she is born in a DRAGON year.

What is an TAURUS born RAT like? How does being born in a DOG year affect a TAURUS person's character?

What is a TAURUS/TIGER like? And how does he or she get along with other New Astrology(TM) signs?

Which New Astrology(TM) signs make TAURUS' best sexual partners? And which ones should they marry? Who are our Taurus/Pig celebrities? Which ones are Taurus/Goat, Taurus/ Dog, Taurus/Snake and/or Taurus/Dragon or even Taurus/Horse?

Suzanne White's combined signs are uncannily accurate.

Gift a friend with their SUN SIGN NEW ASTROLOGY BOOK and watch their eyebrows leap to the tip top of their forehead when they read what The New Astrology(TM) reveals about their most intimate, basic character.


  • Format:Paperback / softback
  • Pages:68 pages
  • Publisher:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781726493192


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  • Format:Paperback / softback
  • Pages:68 pages
  • Publisher:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Publication Date:
  • Category:
  • ISBN:9781726493192