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All Souls, Vinyl / 12" Album Vinyl

All Souls Vinyl / 12" Album

by Siouxsie and the Banshees

Vinyl / 12" Album


'All Souls' is a collection of Siouxsie And The Banshees tracks personally curated by Siouxsie Sioux, which collates classic tracks and rarities into an Autumnal celebration. Siouxsie And The Banshees were undoubtedly one of the most influential, fearless, and uncompromising bands to come from the punk era and this selection clearly illustrates their varied and unique musical approach. 'All Souls' opens with 1982's 'Fireworks' which is one of three iconic singles featured here alongside 'Spellbound' (recently used to end Stranger Things Season 4) and closes with the mesmerising 'Peek-A-Boo'. Also included is 'Halloween' from the band's classic 'Juju' album mixed with more idiosyncratic tracks such as 'El Dia De Los Muertos', a B-side from the 'Last Beat Of My Heart' single, 'Something Wicked (This Way Comes)' from the single of 'The Killing Jar' and 'Supernatural Thing' from 1981's 'Arabian Knights' single all of which are making their first appearance on vinyl in decades. All the tracks have been re-mastered at Abbey Road studios with Siouxsie overseeing the process and cut at half-speed by Miles Showell. The collection features new and unique artwork directed by Siouxsie featuring a marigold; the symbolic flower of the Mexican Day of the Dead/All Souls Day festivities.

Track Listing

  1. Fireworks
  2. Halloween
  3. Suprenatural Thing
  4. El Dia De Los Muertos
  5. Sweetest Chill
  6. Spellbound
  7. Something Wicked (This Way Comes)
  8. Rawhead and Bloody Bones
  9. We Hunger
  10. Peek-a-boo



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Track Listing

  1. Fireworks
  2. Halloween
  3. Suprenatural Thing
  4. El Dia De Los Muertos
  5. Sweetest Chill
  6. Spellbound
  7. Something Wicked (This Way Comes)
  8. Rawhead and Bloody Bones
  9. We Hunger
  10. Peek-a-boo
